Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pena Family

Had a great family session with Kevin, Kari, and Kullen back in April. Kullen is the best little baby and looked right at the camera and smiled during majority of the session! Here are some of my favorite shots.

Dan and Beth's Save the Date Photos

Sooooooo..... I have not posted anything in forever! We've been super busy with church activities and moving into our new house that I have not ben doing a ton of sessions lately. I did, however, do this quick "save the date" session with Dan and Beth so they could get their save the dates in the mail on time. It was tons of fun and we got to scope out a few new locations! Here are some favs from their session.

Monday, October 15, 2012

The Waugh Family

I gave away a free photo shoot at one of our church services a couple months ago and was so excited when Joy won! I just love this sweet family and knew we would have so much fun at our session together! Here are a few of my favorite shots.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Kullen Ray

I was so excited to get a hold of this little guy and take his newborn pics. He is such a sweet little baby. He wanted to stay awake and see everyone and everything that was going on but he eventually went to sleep and we got a variety of different shots! Here are a few favorites!